From July 1st, 2024, the Slovak public broadcaster - Radio and Television Slovakia (RTVS) was abolished by the Act no. 157/2024 Coll. on Slovak Television and Radio and on Amendments to Certain Acts, and its legal successor became Slovak Television and Radio (STVR). STVR took over all rights, commitments, and obligations of Radio and Television Slovakia (RTVS). The new public service broadcaster – Slovak Television and Radio (STVR) is currently undergoing major changes in connection with the adoption of the new legislation – from the complete rebranding, preparation of the visual identity to election of the new STVR Board and Director General, which is expected to occur this year.

As officially released, Slovak Television and Radio (STVR) was about to hold in Bratislava the 12th edition of the international competition of folk music recordings Svetozár Stračina Grand Prix from March 31 to April 4, 2025. This competition is organized by the Slovak public broadcaster biennially since 2003. Together with the EBU Members, we consider this Festival to be a very successful and popular project that we are honoured and delighted to organize. In view of the mentioned changes, STVR has postponed the 12th edition of the Svetozár Stračina Grand Prix to 2026.